Dr Kevin Knopf, CMO
Dr Knopf is a practicing medical oncologist at Highland Hospital in Oakland. He is a seasoned Health economist / health services researcher specializing in value based cancer care. Previously CMO for Cancer Commons (www.cancercommons.org), a Silicon Valley startup engaged in cancer care on the internet. He has an extensive background in Health Services Research, Pharmacoeconomics and Data Analytics / Modelling – and a strong interest and background in Value Based Health Care. Dr Knopf is a Senior Visiting Scientist for 15 years at Evidera (formerly United Biosource Corporation), specializing in Cancer Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. Editor at Value Based Cancer Care and the Journal of Community Oncology, author of more than 50 papers, 5 book chapters and 100 abstracts related to cost-effectiveness and quality of care in Hematology and Oncology, and regularly presents in various academic and other centers and large scale ongoing projects with the pharmaceutical industry and payers. His current faculty positions are Assistant Professor, Pharmacoeconomics at the University of South Carolina School of Pharmacy – Assistant Professor, Pharmacoeconomics and Assistant Clinical Professor at the Theodore Geisel (Dartmouth) School of Medicine. He holds an MD from